Uninstall And Remove Aimersoft Video Studio Express For Mac

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  1. Aimersoft Video Studio Express Key

Aimersoft Video Studio Express 1.0.0 file size: 16.93 MB As an easy yet powerful video editor, Aimersoft Video Studio Express is the best help for digital video editing enthusiasts and beginners. Conventional Steps to Uninstall Aimersoft DVD Creator for Mac Prior to the removal of Aimersoft DVD Creator, you should first log into your Mac with an administrator account, and turn Aimersoft DVD Creator off if it is running.

Good morning. Ran msconfig the other day and noticed this Aimersoft Helper entry: I had installed some Aimersoft software as a trial version, didn't like it and uninstalled it. I checked the usual suspects: Control Panel > Uninstall Program but did not find it there. Did a quick search for Aimersoft and found an old File Folder, which I deleted but noticed upon my next Start Up, there is was. The Command looks like this: I considered drilling down to it's location and deleting it there but frankly, I'm a little skittish to be doing all that without some guidance. Here is what the Location is showing: Any good ideas on how to delete this Aimersoft Helper Compact.exe safely and without impacting anything in a negative way?

I did run - for the first time - the Autoruns app but it was rather exhaustive and, well, just a little bit overwhelming. I did save it as a.


Txt file to my desktop and would be glad to post it if that would help resolve the issue. Did want to make note that when I ran the Autoruns app, it showed two yellow highlighted lines - one for the Aimersoft Helper and another for Internet Explorer, which I seldom use. Thanks in advance for any help. Look, I even inserted a funny emoticon >> So.after Googling a few other places, I discovered but it seems risky and I honestly don't know anything about running scripts like this.

Aimersoft Video Studio Express Key

My other possible option is that when I Right-Click on the Aimersoft entry in the Autoruns window (and please note that the Autoruns entry is colored Yellow) I have the option to Delete.but if I delete it there, is the application actually removed from my computer or just kept from running? I've considered trying to run Revo Uninstaller but the last time I did that the choices / options were rather daunting and I've seen many a Bleeping Computer member suggest that I not run that application without a little guidance.so that's what I'm looking for. Gearhead webcam drivers for mac. Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope. So here is what I did was I went to the location of the file which was on C: Users Windows AppData Roaming Aimersoft If it's not located there then search your computer for it.

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